Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I woke up to some pretty snotty kids so we decided to stay inside which means I'm still in my pjs. Some days I like being lazy. We've made cookies, ate lunch outside, and played in the backyard AND wiped a lot of boogers. Super uneventful but much needed. Otto is officially walking and not at all crawling so it's been pretty exciting around here aka BUSY! He is all over the place and climbs everything. Just like Olive he has zero fear and just charges everything. It's been fun but damn exhausting. He is so excited about everything and I love it. Making dinner without holding him is a little tricky. While he can be super independent it happens that when I am making dinner he screams at my ankles. I'm getting pretty good at one handed dinners. It will pass as I remember this phase with Olive but when you're in it, it seems crazy. We kinda lagged on his birthday and had way too much happening so we're not having a party for him till July which is much easier. 

Olive is on summer break so we're just trying to get used to that schedule and figuring out all our summer plans and activities. I plan on a whole lotta beach days but I also like keeping her busy in things. She is really into soccer right now. She told me she wanted to take a break from the gym and do soccer so that is what we are doing. She plays on a little co-ed team and she is actually really good. It's also easy for me with Otto as he can just roam around on the field. Otto starts up swim again next week and I'm really excited for that. Not sure how Olive is going to like sitting on the side but we shall see. 

My foot is better meaning its healing but not totally healed. I get to go to back to running and normal activities in 2 weeks so that's pretty exciting. I'm just happy to be walking on it. Every single day I feel soooooo happy I'm not on crutches. It still hurts and I limp but in time that will pass. 
Being home means Otto naps and Olive gets movie time so its leaving me some me time which I really love. I should be doing the dishes and the massive laundry pile but another time. 

Blake's dad took this photo when we were in Costa Rica. Best photo ever. 


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