Friday, February 20, 2015

catching up

It's almost 10am and we are still at home. Totally out of the ordinary for us. I've been waiting for a repair guy who clearly thinks showing up 2 hours late is ok. I've been bad mom and let the kids watch tv and play on the iPads so I'm taking advantage and using the computer. I think I'm finally caught up on all my photos and it feels good!

I've been obsessed with bleaching little shorts for Otto. It's a nice stinky mess but it's pretty fun. 

So little and so cute. 

Her Valentines stash from school. 

Valentines Day was amazing. I refuse to go out to dinner and "celebrate" so we did a beach day with the family and some friends. Stayed till it got dark and ate pizza and cupcakes. 

Weird photo but Otto was so tired after the beach that he passed out in the shower. 

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