Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm back to my old habits of being a terrible blogger. Seems like the days are flying by. I cannot believe I will be 22 weeks. Olive has been so sweet with my belly (when she isn't trying to body slam me on the couch) but really she hasn't said one negative thing about the baby or showed any signs of jealousy....yet.  She will ask every day to see baby Herman. She lifts up my shirt and puts her head down and talks to him. She always tells me he is getting bigger and likes to pretend she knows just where he is. She really is sweet and for as wild and crazy as she is I think she really is going to be amazing with him. I watch how nurturing she is with her dolls and how she rocks them to sleep and puts blankets over them or feeds them and it totally melts my heart. On the other side her terrible two's are still in full effect but we have had better days or maybe I'm just learning to handle it better? It seems like some days she just wakes up pissed at the world and it kinda sets the tone for the day (like today) but other days she wakes up happy and funny and so easy to handle. So again it goes back to all toddlers are bipolar. The last few nights at dinner she has been making Blake and I laugh so hard. She really is funny and not because we think she's cute and our kid but she gets it and I wouldn't change her sense of humor for anything. The whole super girly thing gets me too. Yesterday she was referring to herself as princess Olive and today she was running around screaming "I'm a ballerina." Immediately when she wakes up she has to put on a dress and heels. And after we get home from our day and she is ready for a nap she requests her princess dress and glass slippers. She made me put on my heels today and dance with her. It cracks me up. I obviously remember liking girly things but not like this at all. The best part is she rides her skateboard, scooter, plays in the mud, and is active like a tomboy (which is way more like I was) so its a good balance but man oh man this kid and her dresses.

Last week my mom was in town and we both got colds which sucked super bad but we're finally all better and hoping to stay well even though it decided it would be winter again here. All I keep hearing is people getting this nasty cold/flu. I am sooooooo thankful that what we got was a 3 day no biggie cold but I'm still paranoid as we are out all the time. As much as I love this weather I'm ready for summer and flu season to be gone.

So I joined Vine the other day and I'm pretty obsessed. I was hesitant at first as the video thing is a little creepy and really between Pinterest and Facebook I wasn't sure I needed anymore social media but I'm hooked. So if you want to see ridiculous videos of Olive find me @gopherguts

Also on a random note I'm hooked on The Bachelor. I have never in my life watched the show (besides little bits here and there) but I'm seriously into it. It's awful in every single way possible but I can't stop myself. It's the perfect show for single ladies to watch and learn not to do ANYTHING these crazy bitches do cause whoa they are wacky. But their craziness sure has me hooked! I'm not sure if its better or worse than my Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars guilty pleasure??

Sorry about the photo dump but I need to catch up.........

feeding the birds. 

Aquarium of the Pacific with Kat and Sonia. 

pretzel making. 

funny kid. 

painting sticks. 


girls night out. 

creative slider. 

painting her surfboard blake shaped for her. 

sierra stepped in the paint so everyone went in the bath. 

tea/coffee date. 

birthday dinner for my brother. 
olive made him a painting. 
the family. 

this is when the sick started. 

she requested her photo right here. 

fact: ants like kale more than matzo. 

big girl bed (waiting for the frame)

we made cake. 

sierra is hiding. 

poor stella. 

swings with grandma. 

crazy hair and noodles. 

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