Sunday, July 8, 2012

just a quick hello

So many photos to post and adventures to share but not enough time. Ok so maybe I've been a bit lazy lately but this week I will for sure get some posts up. We were out of town for a few days to celebrate the 4th. I feel semi renewed and excited for the week as I'm off for a girls weekend on friday so only a few more days and I'm doing a serious countdown. This summer has been busy and in the best way possible. A quick catch up. Olive is doing awesome and talking up a storm. She is slowly starting to combine 2 words and really put things together. She is beyond animated and tells stories like a champ. She hurt her foot on her toy car and if you ask her she will reenact the entire event sound effects and all with a super serious look on her face. She is a total joker, stubborn beyond anything I've ever seen, sneaky, sweet and full of hugs and kisses, weird as all hell, has no fear, and most important the most confident little creature I've ever seen. She drives me bat shit crazy and makes me laugh my ass off at the same time. Lately I just watch her and see so much of me. I was a pretty weird kid, still am but in different ways. With the funny and quirky comes the stubborn and defiant. I struggle daily to find the balance between keeping my sanity and really trying to embrace and nourish who she is as a little person. I know all moms go through this struggle or some just have really easy kids (I hate you) but it's all part of the mommy adventure.

A few photos......

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