Monday, May 31, 2010

car post

Were somewhere in the middle of Wisconsin not quite sure where but were 2 hours from Albert Lea MN which is our next hotel stop. Today has been a long day but at least there are a lot of pretty things to look at. We made a quick atop in Chicago so we could get some intelligentsia coffee. Its not our favorite of the snobby coffees but its pretty delicious. There is one in la but Its actually from Chicago so its pretty cool. I got a cold brewed iced coffee. I only drank a few sips cause I wasn't in the mood to stop at every rest stop. My bladder is already a huge problem but coffee just makes it a whole new level. Anyways I think I'm hanging pretty good. My ribs were killing me the first day but today its not too bad. Stopping a lot seems to help. I still can't grasp that were not just visiting California and were actually moving there. I think it will take awhile to hit me because well be So busy moving in and getting ready for the baby. I'm excited to see my family and let them See the belly. It feels So massive. I'm not kiddilg when I say it grows daily. She has been kicking like crazy too which is still so surreal. I've discovered That pregnancy and Last food do not mix. We eat pretty healthy normally so I think road food has been a bit shocking on the belly. Luckily we found a good veggie Burger in Chicago so that was nice. Tonight well see what Albert Lea will bring us
I need to take some photos but so far I've just shop photos of Sierra being super cute.
This post may have a shit ton of mistakes not so easy to edit on the Droid So beware.

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