Sunday, April 10, 2011

punk rock, photos, family, art and food

That pretty much sums up the last few days. I've neglected the blog for a few days as things have been pretty busy in these parts. On thursday night Blake and I had a date night. We went to dinner and then got to see Descendents play. It was unreal. It's been about 15 years since I've seen them play and they did not disappoint. The only bummer was the venue was massive and if you're into punk rock you know seeing a band in an arena isn't that cool. Bad Religion played next and although we planned on leaving half way through we ended up staying and watching. I used to love them when I was in 10th grade and played soccer. While driving in the bus to my away games I would play Suffer over and over. No idea why but it got me super excited. Pretty much anything after that album was crap but seeing them made me really happy and nostalgic. It was such a fun night and good to get out and hear some music.

The next day I had a magazine shoot that came up kinda last minute. Luckily it was shooting someone that I know for a magazine I've worked with in the past so I wasn't too stressed out. Normally prepping for a shoot is almost as stressful as the shoot itself and no matter what I never sleep the night before a shoot ever. Trying to get Olive ready to drop off with my mother in law and also getting photo gear together was a bit hectic but I managed and I think everything turned out pretty good. I'm definitely not used to doing the mom and work thing and I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life and I haven't quite recovered yet. Also being sick didn't help. After the shoot I met up with Blake and we went to dinner with his brother and girlfriend. It was nice to unwind a bit and Olive was so good during dinner. Just sat there and played with her toy. It was such a treat.

On Saturday my parents came down to hang out with Olive and watch her for a few hours while we went to a friends art show at night. Before the show we all went to dinner and Olive was so good. She is finally sitting in a highchair so giving her toys and spoons keeps her pretty busy and happy. We were able to have a pretty long dinner and she had no problem with it at all. After food Blake and I went to the art show while my parents put Olive to bed. It was another really fun night out and I saw friends that I haven't seen in years.

Today we went to Dim Sum with my parents who stayed the night and then made a visit down at the beach to Blake's parents to say hi. It was such a beautiful day out considering that two days ago there was snow on the beach which is unheard of here. My parents left and we all took naps. The rest of the day was spent working on photos (Blake did all my post work cause he is amazing) and hanging with Olive. Now Blake is out getting us some frozen yogurt and then I see bedtime in my very near future.

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