Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holy Molar

I wish I was referring to the band but we're talking baby molars here. The last few days have been a little rough around here. Olive has been a bit on the grumpy side and nothing seems to make her happy. I'm assuming molars, although she isn't showing her normal teething signs but I still think they are coming in. My mom kept telling me that she was pulling at her ears all day and that maybe she had water in them from swim but that sounds more like a teething thing. Then when I mentioned it to Blake he said she has been really upset when he brushes her teeth and won't let him put the toothbrush in the back of her mouth. I tried to look in her mouth but it was really hard to see anything. It seems puffy on the top but I thought they would come in on the bottom first?? I dunno how it works but I looked back at my baby book and I got some of my molars at one year and the other set at 18 months which was a little early so maybe she is following my path. Poor thing is so upset. Her sleep has been pretty messed up because of it and she has just been all around grumpy. Hopefully these suckers will make their way in quickly and we can get back to a happy baby.

So I will leave you with this video of Holy Molar at the Che Cafe.

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