Monday, June 28, 2010

weekend fun

Had a pretty full weekend filled with a baby shower and visits from friends. It was nice to be busy with fun stuff and not moving in crap (although somehow we managed to find time to paint some stools and run errands but it wasn't too bad)
On Saturday my mom and I went to Lisa's Baby Shower. Lisa is due at the end of Aug with baby Lily. She looks amazing and seems super happy. Lisa is married to Andrew who I've known since I was born. Mine and Andrews parents went to high school together and have been friends since. A few years back Andrew and I always joked about having kids around the same time (like our parents did) but that was years ago. So a few months ago I get a phone call from Andrew to tell me that Lisa is 12 or 13 weeks pregnant. I was freaking out cause I had literally just found out I was pregnant too (I want to say I was like 7 or 8 weeks) but at this point we hadn't told a single person so I was dying not to be able to tell them. Just kinda funny how that works out. They are going to be the most wonderful parents ever and I can't wait to take our kids on adventures like our parents did with us.

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