I wish I had a fun xmas list of fun things but I really can't think of anything I need. Of course there are a million things I want but the reality is I don't need anything. Ya I could use a pretty necklace, a new pair of boots, and maybe a few shirts but really it's all just wants and stuff that is pretty. Those things do make me feel happy and pretty but you know what I mean. But what I do really want is a new couch. I've been eyeballing
this couch for the last few months and I'm obsessed. I can't decide if I want to go with the lighter color or the gray? They are both so pretty. Yes I have a couch now but it's pretty old and falling apart. Blake suggested getting it re-stuffed which I think is a total waste. He argues that getting nice stuff with kids is a bad idea. While I agree I don't think that just because we have children I should suffer with a torn up couch my whole life. Ya I get kids make a mess but I want to enjoy my house too ya know. I think our family is outgrowing it too and it's just time. I've never in my life had nice home things mostly just Ikea which is fine but the older I get the more big girl stuff I want. So um Santa if you wanna stuff this bad boy down my chimney I wouldn't be mad. If we're talking about unrealistic xmas presents I'd like a new laptop too. I think you could consider mine vintage now which is slightly cool and sad at the same time. I'm hoping if and when I start working again I will rack in the big bucks and be able to buy a couch and a computer at the same time. A girl can dream right??
So we almost finished our xmas shopping! We have 1 more gift to order online then we are done. I feel soooooo much better and not stressed at all now. Just have to wrap everything which I love doing. I think this is the first year I've been done this early. Ho Ho Ho~
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