Today I put red lipstick on which means I've already gotten it all over my hands, teeth, and my dogs ear (don't ask) but I do feel pretty fancy and it kinda takes the mom frump away when I'm feeling a little bla. I got dressed pretty quickly today so I could take care of some random crap while Olive took her nap. Since I finished and she is still sleeping I figured it would be a good time to blab on here. I just ordered all my chairs and such for our party on Saturday. How the hell I am going to fit 26 people in my house is beyond me. But I love me some tetris and that is exactly what we will be doing with the tables. Our house isn't small but any means but I want to try and make room to walk around too but I guess I can't be too picky. The weather should be in the 60's which means people can hang outside before dinner. Yay for California winter! Now I just need to decide on decor. I'm on a mission to find some billy balls for the table and I think that Olive and I will collect leaves to use too. Simple is good I think (aka cheap). Oh I think we are going to deep fry a turkey too. My friends Kat and Nick have all the goodies to do it and I figure it will be pretty tasty. I actually hate turkey and I don't really eat it on thanksgiving or ever but I'm pretty sure I would eat anything fried. I love that Kat called me yesterday at about 7:30am and the first half of our conversation was about boobs/breastfeeding and then next half was about deep frying a turkey. Damn I love that girl.
And as Christmas is sneaking up pretty darn quick I've been trying to figure out what to get Olive. She has a good amount of toys and only likes a few of them. She would much rather play with the kitchen utensils or dig through all the drawers. The one thing she has been consistent with is pushing things. She has two different walkers which I kinda thought she would give up when she started walking but she loves them. Maybe it's slamming into things or having that extra balance to go fast but she loves it. She will pretty much push anything, laundry basket, chairs, her stroller (she won't actually sit in it anymore) So my friend Steph suggested a shopping cart for her. She has a daughter a year older than Olive and I had asked her for some ideas and this one seemed perfect so I think that is what Blake and I will be getting for her. That and a few little wooden food items. I figure she will love putting her baby in the shopping cart and going around the house collecting "groceries." Plus this is something I think she will enjoy for a few years. I know she will care less about gifts this year and tearing open the gift will be the real treat here so I think we will keep it pretty minimal. I have a few other fun things on my
pinterest too but they might have to wait.......
I have watched kids before with that shopping cart and they all love it. The wooden food with it will be perfect!