Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy 2011! We didn't quite make it to midnight but we still had a really good night. I prepared a hell of a feast. Pulled pork, mac n cheese, and coleslaw. It took pretty much the whole day to make but everyone seemed very pleased and I really enjoyed making it. We played a few rounds of cash cab, had some dessert, and went to bed. It was super mellow but really nice just to relax. Plus not waking up with a hangover is pretty nice.

This morning I decided to continue the baking and whipped up some monkey bread. Once I get on a cooking kick its hard to stop me. We decided after consuming a ridiculous amount of carbs we would go out snowboarding. Its been a whole year since I've been snowboarding so it hurt, bad. We rode with my brother and cousin so it was nice to have a little crew and mess around and of course complain how old we are and how bad we were gonna hurt after. There was a shit ton of powder so it was killer on the legs. I ate shit a few times when going through the trees in deep powder and I think Blake thought he lost me for good a few times. At one point I was laying in the middle of the trees trying to figure out how to get up and Snoop Dog came on my ipod cause I set it to random. I couldn't stop laughing. I didn't even know I had that on my ipod. I guess you had to be there but I was entertained.

Besides being totally out of shape to ride powder and trees I had a really good time and I'm so happy we got out. Only bummer when we left Olive with my mom she didn't take her bottle. No idea why since my mom has given her bottles in the past and she has had no problems so I'm a bit worried. Going to try one tomorrow and see if she is ok with it. Hope it was just random. Its been so fun to have Blake around this whole week and able to spend so much time with Olive. She has changed so much in the last week and I'm glad he has been able to see every second of it. Since I'm home with her all day I get to see all the little changes and they are pretty amazing. She has totally found her voice and just talks and talks. She has really learned how to get the volume up. Its fun to just sit and talk with her cause she is so into it. She rolls like its no big deal at all and when she is on her belly she tries so hard to get those legs going to crawl. It kinda scares me, not ready for that at all. She loves the dogs and will now try and grab them. I love watching her track them with her eyes. She is grabbing everything in sight and putting it in her mouth. She drools like crazy.I can't get enough of her little smiles and goofy laugh. Just a little Olive update.

Yay for 2011!

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